The Humanitarian Feeling

The concept of Humanitarianism is not as elusive as it is perceived in many quarters. It simply refers to a concern for the wellbeing of other people and making attempt to help other people in need in whatever way we can. It is what i call the human part of every human being. To be able to understand the plight of these people, we only have to imagine ourselves being in that same situation. In many parts of the world today, humanitarian crisis is so enormous, as many people continue to suffer from humanitarian disaster with both artificial and natural causes. In Syria, Palestine, Myanmar and many other nations’ expecially in the developing world, human sufferings are very real and enormous and we have done little or nothing to ameliorate the sufferings of these people. As human we need to see the surferings of these people as ours, it is only through this kind of lence that we can have a peaceful and better world. These kind of feelings as been preached and thought by several religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism,Budahism, Hinduism, Eckankar among many others. Inspite of these religious teachings, our concern and response to human sufferings all over the world is so little or nonexistent. This beast like attitude has exposed human lives to numerous dangers and also heightens insecurity across many nations of the world. In many countries of the world today especially in the developing nations, insecurity is at the highest level which has resulted into massive loss of lives on daily basis. Humans are now exposed to both violent and non violent threats. Terrorism and other form of violent conflicts is still on the increase as ever before while poverty and unemployment has continue to proliferate. Inspite of this, there is still little or no response to this quantum of human sufferings. Where we need to think as humans, we have allowed politics and religion to turn us into beast and as a result we feel less concern about humanitarian disasters around us or in distant places. We politicize and tribalise human sufferings both in the developed and developing countries. In syria,seven years of war which has resulted in massive loss of lives and properties have not been halted majorly for political purpose while the sufferings of the people of that country counts for nothing. In Palestine, Israel continues to terrorize the Palestinians and yet the world folds harms like nothing is happening. In Nigeria and most African states, humanitarian sufferings have been pattern along ethnic and religious lines and this bias has continued to deepening humanitarian disasters both in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa.
In conclusion, all humans that are truly human has the responsibility to respond to the need of the people suffering from humanitarian disasters. In performing this role, we should be guided by the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. Adherence to these principles by individuals, government and non-governmental organisation will not only make humanitarian assistance to be beneficial to the society, but it will also guarantee more security and development in our society. Lastly, humanitarian assistance starts by helping the people around you.
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